Color Disclaimer
At our company, we make every effort to display the colors and images of the products we carry on our website as accurately as possible. However, due to the many variations in monitors and browsers, the colors of our products may appear different on different monitors.
Computer monitors are not all calibrated equally, and color reproduction on the Internet is not precise. This means that it is not possible to guarantee that the colors you see on your computer screen will look the same on all computers.
For this reason, we cannot guarantee that the colors you see on our website accurately portray the actual colors of the products we carry. We have made every effort to display the colors of our products as accurately as possible, but we cannot be held responsible for any differences between what you see on your computer screen and the actual product.
In most cases, the samples of our products that we provide online will be a good representation of the actual color for products that are white or off-white. However, for darker colors and specially stained colors, it is best to order a sample before making a purchase. This will ensure that you are happy with the color of the product you receive.
Please note that just because two products have the same color name, that does not mean they are the same exact color. Also, the color name of a product may not necessarily represent what you may expect that color to look like. For example, just because a color has the name "Biscuit," it does not mean it will necessarily look like what most people would consider a "Biscuit" color.
In conclusion, please be aware that the colors of our products may vary slightly from the actual product and we cannot be responsible for these differences. We recommend ordering a sample before making a purchase if you are unsure of the color or if you are looking for a specific shade.
Please do not order using color names as your guide, as they may not necessarily match your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about the color of a product, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.