Cost-Effective Ideas for Purchasing a Bathroom Toilet
There are many reasons why you should replace your old toilet, such as saving money on water bills, being more eco-friendly and even creating a more comfortable look in your bathroom. But purchasing a toilet can be a costly endeavor, and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, it can be difficult to pick out the right one. Fortunately, there are some cost-effective ideas you can use to help you pick out a great toilet for your bathroom that won’t break your budget.
1. Research Different Brands and Models
The first step in purchasing a cost-effective toilet is to do your research. Compare different brands and models to get a better understanding of what is available and what is cost-efficient. Consider the water consumption of the toilet you are looking at, since this can significantly influence how much you pay in water bills. Also look into features such as dual flushing, low-flow toilets and anti-microbial technology.
2. Look For an Energy Star Model
Look for an Energy Star model to save more money on your water bills. An Energy Star model uses 20% less water than a traditional toilet and is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. This kind of toilet helps reduce your consumption of water, which in turn reduces the amount you pay on your water bill every month.
3. Buy a High-Efficiency Toilet
High-efficiency toilets are a great way to save money in the long run while also reducing your environmental impact. These toilets use a minimum of 1.1 GPF (gallons per flush) or less, which can help save you a lot on your water bill over the long-term. It’s also important to look into the design of the toilet, since this can make a big difference in how well it works.
4. Consider the Costs of Installation
Another thing to consider when purchasing a toilet is the costs of installation. Installing a toilet can be a difficult task, so it’s important to factor in the cost of a professional to help you. This can be an expensive undertaking, so make sure to factor it into your budget before purchasing.
5. Choose Aesthetic Features
Finally, it’s important to choose aesthetic features for your toilet. Look for designs that can match the look and feel of your bathroom, such as choosing a toilet with a curved tank or clean lines. Not only will this create a beautiful look in your bathroom, but it can also be a cost-effective option since the aesthetic features you choose can influence the price significantly.